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Giveaway with great prizes

Take part in my new prize game on the Mitko On Trip Facebook page

In this game you will be able to win one of these 3 mountain jugs to drink from the cool fountains in the mountains or from the hot tea from the thermos, as well as 2 adventure t-shirts of your choice.

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What happened to Mitko on Trip in 2020?

2020... what a year! 

It was quite exciting and interesting. 2020 was quite memorable to me. Through it I laid the foundations of Mitko on Trip. I started the long delayed trips and put a lot of effort into creating the videos for this channel.

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The house of memories

The house of memories is quite interesting. It has a door but does not lock. There is light, but no windows. Sometimes you go and leave something, other times you take, and sometimes you just look and leave. It is not inhabited by people, only by your memories.

Did you guess what is it?

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