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The spring with the dragon's head - Living water near the village of Bosnek

The spring with the dragon's head, the spring "Living Water" or the "Fountain of Happiness" are different names for this beautiful place near the village of Bosnek. It is located only 45 km from Sofia and is part of the eco-trail of the Bosnian Karst, which will tell you about the most interesting places in the region, plant and animal species found here, the history of the place and many other interesting things.

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Prohodna Cave - famous for "God's Eyes", bungee jumping and movies

Prohodna Cave is located in the area of ​​the village of Karlukovo. It has been a natural landmark since 1962, and its fame comes for a variety of reasons. It is 365 meters long and reaches a height of 56 meters. In the ceiling of the cave were two huge openings resembling human eyes. For this reason, many people call it the "Eyes of God" or the "God's eyes". A large number of commercials, music videos and film productions have been shot here, such as "Time Apart", "The Way Back", "Shmenti Kapeli" and others. Another interesting fact is that this is one of the few caves in the world where bungee jumping is performed. In it you can also find dozens of climbing routes and enthusiasts can often be seen on the rock walls.

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Iskar Panega еco trail - a paradise an hour away from Sofia, Bulgaria

The Iskar Panega eco trail is located in the area of ​​the town of Lukovit. It is located on the banks of the river Zlatna Panega and passes from one side of the river to the other. The trail is short and easy, but it will definitely amaze you with the beauty of the surrounding nature and the tranquility of this place. Beautiful wooden bridges take you over the river while you enjoy its beautiful colors and the fabulous nature around. And if you feel an adventurous mood, you can explore the cave "Temnata dupka" (The dark hole) just near the trail.

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Assen Fortress - the protective wall of the pass between Thrace and the Aegean

Asen Fortress is located near Asenovgrad. It is located on the rocky hill Mogilata and it has a great view from the road Asenovgrad - Smolyan. The fortress, which rises at least 100 meters above the road, was a major strategic point above the pass connecting Plovdiv with the Aegean. With its almost vertical slopes, even overhanging the river, it is inaccessible on all three sides. The excellent location and natural protection of the area has been used since the time of the Thracians, who in the V century BC. build a fortification.

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Saturday walk from "Orlite" hut to Vetrushka peak in the Golo Bardo mountain

This week we decided to take on a more unusual walk and went in the direction of Radomir (Pernik region) in order to conquer the highest peak of the mountain Golo Bardo.

Vetrushka peak is located at 1158 m. above sea level and is the highest peak in the Golo Bardo mountain. There are several routes to it, the most popular being from the Orlite hut (from the direction of Radomir) and from the Slavey hut (from the direction of Pernik).

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